SUNDAY   8:00 AM / 10:30 AM
MON • WED • FRI • SAT   8:00 AM

MON - FRI   Before each Mass
SATURDAYS   3:30 - 4:30 PM

WED   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
SAT  7:15 - 7:45 AM ~ Confessions offered 

Thanking God ahead of time that His Light may shine before all!

Bulletins, Worship Aid & Mass Link Information


SATURDAY, February 8 - Men's Prayer Breakfast

Men’s prayer breakfast will be in Blessed Fr. Solanus Casey Center at 8:45-9:45am. Join us for food, fellowship, faith & prayer! If you have questions, or would like to attend and bring a breakfast item to share, please contact Drew Stuart at

SATURDAY, February 15 - "Mass for the Sick" at St. Felix Catholic Center

Please join us Saturday, Feb. 15th, at St. Felix Catholic Center for a "Mass for the Sick" starting at 1pm. A Rosary will be prayed at 12:30pm, prior to the Mass. ~There is a box at the back of SSPP Church where you can put your personal intentions on a card and it will be prayed for at the Mass.~ All petitions are prayed for at our Mass, then sent to St. Bonaventure in Detroit to be prayed for twice, once by the Capuchin priests and brothers over Blessed Solanus’ burial site, and second, at an additional Mass. All are welcome! Tours will be available. Handicap assistance available. St. Felix Catholic Center, 1280 Hitzfield Street, Huntington, IN.

SATURDAY, February 15 - HCS Euchre Night

Join us for a Euchre Night on Saturday, February 15th in Fr. Gollner Hall. Food at 6pm. Games at 7pm.

SUNDAY, February 16 - Food & Fellowship Sundays
Join us for Food & Fellowship on the 3rd Sunday of the month in Fr. Gollner Hall after the 10:30am Mass. All are welcome!

SATURDAY, March 8th - HCS "Run for the Rams" - Dinner & Auction Fundraiser

This year's "Run for the Rams" fundraising event will be on Saturday, March 8th at the Clubhouse, 6137 N. Goshen Road, Huntington, IN. More details to come including how to purchase tickets.

TUESDAYS, Youth Group - Fidelis & Fraternus

** Fidelis - is a program inviting girls in grades 6-12 into a sisterhood with adult women young and old, leading each other to Christ. Weekly meetings are at St. Elizabeth in the Youth Room every Tuesday from 6:30-8:30pm.  They share a meal, play games and spend time in small group discussion (separated by age) followed by an invitation to grow in virtue each week. They also have periodic retreats, service projects and excursions. Non-Parishioners are welcome! Questions? Email:

** Fraternus - is a brotherhood of young men (in 6th through 12th grade) who seek to grow in virtue and faith as they build friendships while being mentored by adult volunteers of all ages. Fraternus brings generations of men together into a brotherhood of disciples. Weekly meetings occur every Tuesday at 6:30pm and include competitive games, discussion, and a personal challenge for the upcoming week. There are also several excursions throughout the year following the example of St. John Paul II’s connection with youth. Non-parishioners are welcome and encouraged to participate. Questions? Email:

WEDNESDAYS (SSPP) & FRIDAYS (St. Mary) - All Day Adoration
Come spend time with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays, 6am-6pm  in the Church here at SSPP and on Fridays, 6am-6pm  in the Church at St. Mary's.

THURSDAYS - Bible Study on the Sunday Mass Scripture Readings
Come experience God's Living Word in a bible study on the Sunday Mass Scripture readings on Thursdays, 7:40-8:30pm in the Blessed Father Solanus Casey Center (Parish Center).

"VBS Director" Needed for the Summer of 2025

We are looking for someone to direct our Vacation Bible School this summer. Drew Stuart will not be able to direct this year because he’ll need to undergo Achilles tendon surgery in May and recovery time is 8+ weeks. If we cannot find a director, we may not be able to have VBS. It will either be the last or second to last week in June, depending on what works best for the director. 

Since 2019, we’ve used OSV’s Totally Catholic VBS, which includes a kit that makes directing the VBS simpler. Drew can provide a list of previous volunteers, offer guidance to the new director, and help with ordering items. If the director would like to try another VBS, other options can be discussed.

If you have any questions or are willing to help, please contact Drew Stuart at 260-224-0522.

- Rekindle the Fire -

Men’s Conference 2025

The Annual “Rekindle the Fire” Diocesan Men’s Conference will be on Saturday, Feb. 22nd at the War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne. Speakers this year will include Mark Hart, Michael Gormley, and Justin Fatica. Bishop Rhoades will be there to answer questions from the audience as well.


If enough men would like to go, we can set up a carpool to Fort Wayne. Drew Stuart will be contacting

“Rekindle the Fire” to reserve three or four tables for Catholics from Huntington.

To register and buy tickets, go to:


As in previous years, SS. Peter & Paul will pay $20 of the ticket cost for the first 20 men from the parish who reach out and ask about it. The parish will buy your tickets in this case and you would reimburse the parish for the remainder of the cost after the $20.


If you have any questions or would like to carpool up (whether you’re willing to drive or would like to

ride up with someone else), please contact Drew Stuart at 260-224-0522 or

***Renewed for another year***


Sign up for Ramsey+   click here

Learn God's ways of handling money. Ramsey+ is a one year online membership with multiple courses and videos to learn God's way of handling money and finances. All of the SSPP Parishioners and HCS families will receive Ramsey+ free for one year.

SGO  (Scholarship Granting Organization)


There is a terrific way to get a large tax break and support our parishes and school through donations to our diocesan SGO (“Scholarship Granting Organization”). The SGO of Northeast Indiana ( supports Huntington Catholic School.

Tax Credit The state tax credit makes an SGO contribution especially attractive to donors. In addition to the potential Federal tax deduction for charitable contributions, SGO donations are eligible for a 50% State of Indiana Tax Credit.

Where your Donation Goes Your donation to the SGO of Northeast Indiana designating Huntington Catholic School as the recipient is used to help families with financial need with their tuition costs. Please note that we receive your entire contribution. For example, if you contribute $1000 to our school, we receive $1000 to give as tuition assistance, even though you still get $500 back as a state tax credit.

This seems too good to be true. How it is possible? The State of Indiana has encoded this into law in order to encourage private investment in education.

How Do I Donate? – You can donate online at

Our school’s Principal, Derek Boone, is available to answer questions and can assist with the donation process.   

Please consider making a donation which greatly benefits our school and parishes!

Has it been a while since your last confession?

Do you need a refresher?

Check out the video at the link below.

Confession Video

Can you not

spend one hour with me?


This invitation comes directly to each of us from Jesus Christ, Himself... probably the best invitation of our lives!

The response to this invitation, for personal time with Christ, is available to us on Wednesdays at SSPP at 6:00am to 6:00pm. We hope everyone will consider joining in this devotion. If you can spend an hour with the Blessed Sacrament during this time... please join us!!

Also, our neighboring Parish, St.Mary Catholic Church, has Adoration each Friday at 6:00am to 6:00pm.


Our neighboring Parish here in Huntington, St. Mary Catholic Church, offers a Mass in Spanish on Sundays at 2:00pm, as well as, on Wednesdays at 7:00pm.

St. Robert Bellarmine Church in North Manchester offers a Mass in Spanish on Sundays at 11:30am.

Watch the webinar replay!
Walking with the Wounded - Webinar with Bishop Cozzens
Click here

Together, we’ve taken a step into this new year, united by our love for the Eucharist and our desire to accompany those who have been hurt by the Church. These webinar videos give us a chance to walk alongside each other as we step into this new year of Walk with One. 

Walk with one

National Eucharistic Congress

reliving the EVENTS from 2024

For those who weren't able to attend in Indianapolis or for those who did attend and would like to relive the Eucharistic Congress, you can go the websites below for recordings of the events that took place. Mass each day, Encounter Impact Sessions, and each day’s Revival Sessions are among the recorded events available. Relevant Radio and EWTN also offer the coverage of the Congress on their websites.

National Eucharistic Congress website

Relevant Radio


Click here to sign up 

Click on Formed for Individuals. Find our Parish by entering SS Peter & Paul Huntington. Enter your name and email address, then click the Sign-up or Sign On.


For a list of all the ministries that were highlighted at the recent Ministry Fair click the link below.

SSPP Ministry List

Forming Consciences For Faithful Citizenship

Mass Times

View our Mass times and special services


Get directions to our parish to come visit

Religious Education

See our religious education classes

Upcoming Events

View all of our upcoming events and services

Give online to the work of the church

  • The Saint Challenge

    The Saint Challenge was launched on All Saint's Day, November 1st. It is a year-long series of challenges based on the saint of the day. In 90 seconds you'll learn a little fact about the saint of the day, and be given a challenge inspired by that saint. It could be a corporal or spiritual work of mercy, or something to improve your interior life and your relationship with God and neighbor. The Saint Challenge is free, and you can find more information and find ways to sign up at Let's be saints!

  • Join us by praying the Blessed Father Solanus Casey novena!

  • Catholic Mass Times while traveling for SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Huntington, IN

    Catholic Church Finder (for other Catholic churches)

  • Catholic Charities Utility Assistance Program

    Need Assistance with your utility bills? Catholic Charities Utility Assistance Program may be able to help. Click on flyer link for details.

    Flyer Link

  • Novena for the Cause of Life

    Click here to view more.

  • Catholic Food Pantry Donations

    "Now it’s even easier to help feed the hungry in Huntington. You can make your Catholic Food Pantry donation, which goes to LOVE, INC and Open Door, online at:

    They need the help now more than ever!

    Thanks for being so generous!"

  • Stations of the Cross

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