Altar servers have the privilege of assisting the priest in the sanctuary during the Mass and other liturgical functions. Third graders up to high school seniors are ideal as servers. Prayerfully consider having your child, male or female, seek interest in this ministry. Instruction is done at your convenience. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Beth Fulton: 260-224-0791
Once a year in the spring, the Christ Child Society of Fort Wayne sponsors this fundraiser. They provide baby bottles to be used to collect spare change. The collection helps fund “baby stores” for new and expectant moms, providing essentials, such as diapers, clothing and care items. For more information, please call the Rectory: 260-356-4798.
Belonging is a ministry for people with disabilities. Its focus is on helping people with disabilities engage in meaningful participation at Mass and in our Parish communities. They meet once a month via Zoom.
Cantors lead the congregation in the worship through music. If you enjoy singing and would like to share your talents, we would love to have you! For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Sue Meadows: 260-224-0877,
There are no try-outs… you just need to enjoy singing!
Our choir has existed since the early days of our Parish, in one form or another and it goes on to this day. The choir sings at one Mass every weekend, rotating between the three Masses. They also sing on Holy Days and other special liturgies, Christmas and Holy Week. They take a break in the Summertime. Practices are Thursday evenings after the 7:00pm Mass. If you are in middle school or older, we welcome you to join us! There are no auditions necessary. All you need is the desire to make a joyful noise in praise of the Lord. For more information and/or to join, please contact Sue Meadows: 260-224-0877,
Voices are needed to sing during a funeral Mass. Funerals are unplanned, so many members of our Regular Choir are unavailable when funerals are typically held, during the morning hours. If you are retired or have flexible morning hours, please add your name to the list of those willing to sing. You will be notified when you are needed. No auditions, no rehearsals. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Sue Meadows: 260-224-0877,
Interested in cleaning God’s house? The church is dusted and door windows washed once a month. Cleaning crews, which consist of 3-5 people are on a 3 months rotation, which means you would be cleaning 4 times a year. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Mary Eckert: 260-356-7733.
The Adoration of Jesus Christ Present in the Holy Eucharist is held every Wednesday from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Church. Sign up to “Spend One Hour with Me” or put your name on a list to substitute for those already signed up. For more information and/or to volunteer, please call the Rectory, 260-356-4798.
Participate in the wonderful ministry of distributing the Body of Christ to fellow parishioners. On a weekly basis, Eucharistic Ministers visit homebound parishioners and those confined to a nursing home. They also distribute weekly bulletins to these individuals during their visits. Volunteer to join this group as they bring joy while ministering to the sick of our Parish. For more information, please contact Susan Solloway: 863-532-9321,
Participate in the wonderful work of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to your fellow parishioners. You can help out at your favorite Mass time on a rotating schedule. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Drew Stuart: 260-224-0522,
For nearly 20 years now, our Parish has shown incredible generosity by helping the less fortunate through our Giving Tree Ministry. We are looking forward to another holiday season filled with opportunity to help others. The effort begins in early November and wraps up in mid-December. Our traditional adoption of families and nursing home residents requires a lot of helping hands. You can support this ministry by adopting an individual or a family, or donating a turkey, ham, hygiene and grocery items. For more information, please contact:
Together with St. Mary Parish, we channel donations to a local non-profit, Christ-centered organization, LOVE, Inc. LOVE serves as a community clearinghouse for food distribution, among other works of charity. Donations of non-perishable food can be left in baskets located at the Cherry Street entrance. Monthly offertory envelopes are also provided for the purpose of monetary donations. LOVE, Inc. has volunteer opportunites for all kinds of skill sets. The Catholic churches work every Monday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm assisting with filling food requests and helping with any tasks that need to be done. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Vince and Jo Parker: 260-519-3073;
For many years our Parish has comforted and supported fellow parishioners who have lost a loved one, by providing a dinner for their family following the funeral. This small gesture has been greatly appreciated by all. Volunteers generally spend 2-5 hours assisting with the following tasks: line up volunteers, bake cupcakes or cookies, help set up and prepare the meal, help serve the meal and clean up. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Mert Mullins: 260-356-4798 or 260-355-9092.
Our local Council 1014 of the Knights of Columbus is very active in both Huntington Parishes. The “1014 Club” members enjoy camaraderie as they meet at the Club, host dinners and other activities, or as they work together on various philanthropic activities. The club sponsors annual Catholic focused events, such as the annual May Crowning and Rosary, Right to Life activities, and a Tootsie Roll Drive fundraiser. The Women’s’ Auxiliary is very active as well, sponsoring the Easter Egg hunt, Cookies with Santa, and other activities. For more information, please contact: 260-356-0924,
The Gollner Guild is a very informal gathering of parishioners who meet for fellowship and prayer. Bring a snack and be prepared to meet new friends. The Guild meets every Tuesday from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in Gollner Hall. For more information, please contact Bee Miller: 260-224-4352,
Help serve the Parish by Proclaiming the Word of God to the congregation, lead us in intercessions, and make important announcements. Anyone 18 years of age or older is needed to help at every Mass, both weekdays, weekends and Holy Days. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Drew Stuart: 260-224-0522,
Our Parish live-streams the 5:00 pm Saturday evening Mass and makes it available for those who are unable to attend due to an accident, illness, or disability. If you are interested in audio/visual equipment, able to use a TV remote, and are available once a month or less during the 5:00 pm Saturday Mass, please consider volunteering with the live-stream team. Simple training will be provided to new volunteers by shadowing a current member of the team before streaming on your own. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Drew Stuart: 260-224-0522,
Fr. Tony meets with engaged couples for marriage preparation a minimum of 6 months in advance of the proposed date of the ceremony. Additional preparation courses offered at the diocesan level may be required. Husbands and wives in the Church are needed to mentor engaged couples prior to and after their wedding. For more information and/or to volunteer to help mentor engaged couples, please contact Fr. Tony: 260-356-4798.
Welcoming and assisting Parishioners and Visitors to SS Peter & Paul’s Church is only one of the duties of the Ushers/Greeters. They collect the Offertory and Special collections, take up the Gifts and pass out the bulletins as people leave Church. They are there to assist anyone before, during and after the Service.
A Mass for the Sick is offered monthly. It is held on the 3rd Saturday of each month in the Chapel at the St. Felix Catholic Center. For more information, please contact Norm Stoffel: 260-224-3393
A Men’s Prayer Breakfast is held on Saturday morning, once a month. Join for food, fellowship, faith and prayer. Bring a breakfast item to share. Enjoy a prayerful and blessed Saturday morning while breaking bread with like-minded men. For more information, please contact Drew Stuart: 260-224-0522,
Delivering a Sunday meal to the poor and elderly is a huge job shared by St. Mary’s and SS Peter and Paul Parishes. Food prep is done for a couple of hours on Saturdays and soup/sandwiches are put together on Sunday morning. Over 400 meals are prepared every week. Lend a helping hand by helping with any of the following tasks: bake desserts, bag desserts for delivery, deliver meals. For more information and/or to volunteer, please call 260-359-7777 and leave a message.
Our Parish has assembled a loyal group of prayer warriors who regularly pray for the sick and those going through a troubled time. Join the Prayer Chain to pray for those in need of special prayer and blessings. Prayer requests can either be received by phone or text, whichever is preferable. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Pam Rorick: 260-519-1350,
Every other year in mid-August, SSPP and St. Mary join together to host a picnic on the grounds of St. Felix Catholic Center. This event commemorates the first Mass said in Huntington County. Bring the family and a dish to share. Enjoy the festivities and fellowship! For more information, please call the Rectory: 260-356-4798.
Every 8 weeks we have a Red Cross blood drive here at SS Peter & Paul.
Helpers are split into shifts:
SS Peter & Paul and St. Mary’s combine our resources to provide religious education to children from kindergarten to 8th grade, who do not attend Huntington Catholic School. The classes are held on Sundays at St. Mary, from 9:10 am – 10:15 am. This allows you and your children to attend weekly Mass together. Catechists, aides, and substitutes, high school and older, are always needed! For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Drew Stuart: 260-224-0522,
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), or Ordo Initiationis Christianae Adultorum (OCIA), is a process in the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism who are above the age of infant baptism. Candidates get introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices. Classes begin each year in late August and extend through Pentecost. If you are a parishioner and are Confirmed and are able to assist our candidates and catechumens through a series of lessons, your assistance will be welcomed! No formal theological education is required other than a good understanding of the Faith and a desire to share it. Volunteers to provide childcare for the children of participants are needed as well. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Drew Stuart: 260-224-0522,
Our Parish is a member of the Right to Life of Northeast Indiana Council and we support their efforts in various ways through education and funding to further promote the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. We support the annual Right to Life carnation sale. The Parish is also associated with some of the ministries of Indiana Family Care Center.
This is a national non-profit that works to prevent child abuse and neglect by providing support to families in crisis. They serve parents who are striving to provide good homes for their children, but because of difficult circumstances, find themselves struggling with no one to turn to. For more information and/or to help with this ministry, please contact Josh Frey: 260-417-8967;
A brunch is prepared one Sunday in May, after the 10:30 Mass, for High School Seniors and their parents. Volunteers are needed to prep, serve, and clean up for this special occasion for our teens who’ll be heading off to start their future.
This group prays daily for expecting mothers and their babies during their pregnancies. This group receives the prayer request by text. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Pam Rorick: 260-519-1350.
This ministry works with the Walking with Moms Prayer Group and provides a meal to the family once the baby is born if the family wishes. Members contribute to the meal and are not responsible for the entire meal. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Rita Disler: 260-224-2648.
Do you love Weddings? The Church wedding coordinator works with the Bride and Groom on guidelines and questions about getting married in the Catholic Church. Duties include:
The Welcome Committee meets with new SS Peter & Paul members. We welcome them into our parish family with a bag filled with parish happenings and a guide to all things Huntington. Most importantly, we become a familiar smiling face at Mass. We want everyone, new members and old, to feel like SS Peter & Paul is their home!
The Widows of Prayer are a group of widows who have chosen to dedicate their life to prayers for the Church, for priests and religious, for vocations, and for their families. They strive to average three hours of prayer a day and they meet together weekly for community and spiritual enrichment. Meetings are held every Tuesday from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. For more information and/or to join, please contact Catherine Fitzgerald: 260-356-8021,
A fun week of singing, dancing, and faith-centered activities helps our young ones develop a greater love for Christ and understanding of the Bible and how it relates to them. The VBS is held in late June and is open for children who have completed grades kindergarten through 5th grade. Adult volunteers are needed to be group leaders or assistants. Middle and high school students may also volunteer to assist the station leaders. Your purchase of supplies needed for VBS are always appreciated. A list of supplies is printed in the Parish bulletin a few weeks before the event. For more information and/or to volunteer, please contact Drew Stuart: 260-224-0522,
The Parish works with diocesan and other resources to offer the opportunity to participate in various retreats for both men and women as well as families. For more information, please contact Drew Stuart: 260-224-0522,
This activity is designed for young adults between the ages of 18 and 39. It is held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30, weather permitting, from late Spring to late Fall. Join like-minded Catholics and Christians for prayer, fellowship, and s’mores. For more information, please contact: Josh Frey – 734-353-5388;
The Huntington Catholics in Action Youth Ministry serves the parishes of Huntington County for youth in grades 6-12.
Adults from the age of 18-99 (and beyond) who enjoy working with teens, that meet eligibility requirements including passing a state background check, can volunteer with our youth ministry program. If you are interested, we are in need of volunteers who can assist in the following areas: